Join us on a year-long journey, or just for this month. Watch from our list of films by Black directors, then join us for a discussion led by Dr. Simone Drake, director of the documentary, Shutdown.
The month of February marks the beginning of a year-long journey to learn about our world from the divergent stories that filmmakers of all walks bring to us. At the beginning of each month we'll release a list of films around a particular theme. Watch as many as you choose, and at the end of the month, we'll converge for a discussion led by an expert. How can you get the list? See Below, Stop in the Adult Department at the Tremont Branch or register for this program to receive the list by email. Titles will be available on DVD, Bluray, or streaming free with your library card through Kanopy and Hoopla.
February's theme: Films by Black Directors
Discussion will be led by Dr. Simone Drake, Hazel C. Youngberg Trustees Distinguished Professor of African American and African Studies at OSU, and director of the documentary, Shutdown.
February Film List:
Harriet -- available from the library on DVD/BluRay
The Last Black Man in San Francisco -- available from the library on DVD/BluRay
Do the Right Thing -- available on from the library on DVD/BluRay
I Am Not Your Negro -- available from the library on DVD/BluRay and streaming free with a library card on Kanopy
Shutdown --Simone Drake's documentary about events at Linden-McKinley High School in 1971 where "a group of passionate Black teens who fought for the equality they believed they deserved — with perilous results." Streaming free on vimeo.
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