The Community Backyards program is an educational rebate program for Franklin County, Ohio residents. Participants will receive a $50.00 rebate voucher.
Join us for a Community Backyards workshop at the Upper Arlington Sustainability Fair! This is a FREE workshop taught by local conservation experts about how you can protect water quality and the environment with "backyard conservation" practices by using rain barrels, rain gardens, composting, and native plants.
Plus, City of Upper Arlington residents can receive a $50 rebate voucher for a rain barrel, compost bin, or native plants for attending. Vouchers are limited to one per household per year. Registration in advance is encouraged but not required.
Register Here: Community Backyards Workshop - Upper Arlington
Registrants will walk away with their voucher at the event if they pre-register, but they can also walk in without registering and receive their voucher by e-mail the next week.
Our knowledgeable staff specialize in Adult, Youth, Reference, Media, Computer, and Outreach Services to meet the diverse needs of our patrons.